
Whether you are a veteran or a young adult with a brain injury due to sports, Neurofeedback is for you!

One of the amazing pieces of equipment that I use with clients is called HPN which stands for High Performance Neurofeedback.  It is “THE” piece of equipment preferred for use with brain injured individuals, and showing dramatic results with those who suffer from headaches, recall and focus/attention issues.  To learn more, please see the HPN site referenced below. The founder, Fred Willis is a former NFL player who feels passionately about treating post-concussive syndrome in American athletes.

"Football isn’t NASCAR. It’s demolition derby. The collisions aren’t accidents. Head trauma is baked into the game, estimates are that the average high school football player absorbs 1,000 blows to the head per season."

"For the last fifty years parents, doctors and coaches have searched for answers to concussions by sending their kids to the emergency hospital rooms and sadly have taken that for granted. This is not the answer."

"QEEG Brain Mapping is the most sensitive neuro-imaging tool for the assessment of post-concussion syndrome. The results are stunning"
Fred Willis
Founder, President & CEO at NeuroSport™ Concussion

“Proud brain donor VA-BU-SLI Brain Bank, hoping to make a difference in the scientific understanding of CTE”

T: (978) 510-1245

Check out our testimonials page to learn about how we are helping people just like you overcome their brain injuries.