Neurofeedback and Mindfulness

Holiday Mindfulness, Meditation, and Neurofeedback

Give yourself a gift this holiday and 2016…..Through mindfulness and meditation research, neuroscientists have come to recognize the emotional and health benefits of a clear, balanced and centered mind.

By training  your brain with Neurofeedback, the more subtle and complex thoughts come into awareness. We become more resilient, more connected, more ourselves; allowing intuition and inspiration to flow.

The advantage of integrating modern neuroscience (brain training) with ancient mindful tools such as meditation is to enhance the brain’s inherent neuroplasticity.  Brain training acts as a mental compass, showing the way into states that are difficult to reach without guidance. After some practice, you can get there on your own.
This field of study has been greatly aided by the Dalai Lama, who for nearly 20 years has furthered scientific knowledge in this area by strengthening the exchange of knowledge between eastern masters and neuroscientists.
Happy Holidays!  Schedule your FREE demonstration today!

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New Years Resolutions

This is a great message about the importance of New Years Resolutions. Most lovely New year's message I have ever seen. <3Watch the original video here: Posted by Kulwant

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